This month as a church we have been focused on our Seek First: 28 days of prayer and fasting, as we step into all of the power and authority we have in Jesus’ name. Steve spoke to us over the month about prayer and what the Bible tells us about it. Some of the messages we had were:

  • Seek First “Build”
  • Then, Charl spoke to us about: Seek First “Put it in Park”
  • Steve also taught us about the Tabernacle

The overwhelming message was that in every part of our lives, we need to make prayer our first response instead of our last resort. Prayer is our direct line to God, our method of communication and a way to grow in relationship with our Father.

In his preach, Steve talked about the Tabernacle of prayer – referring to Exodus 25:1-9, where God instructs Moses to: ‘Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are to receive the offering for me from everyone whose heart prompts them to give……“Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them. Make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like the pattern I will show you.’

As an example, Steve asks us to visualise the tabernacle as an approach to prayer, as every detail of the tabernacle had spiritual meaning and spiritual significance. In his preach, he teaches the basic principles of how the Israelites would approach prayer, with the revelation that we are today living beyond the ‘outer courts’ and have all access to the presence of God through Jesus.