See what God can do through your generosity.

Generosity is at the heart of who we are and what we do; and enables us to bring the practical and spiritual help to Bradford and beyond. It’s what makes LIFE Church home to so many.

Other Ways To Give

You can give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your debit, or credit card. It’s simple and secure.

Give Monthly

The most convenient way to give regularly is by standing order. You can use the details below:

Account Name: LIFE Church Ministries
Bank Account Number: 20910228
Bank Sorting Code: 20-11-88
Reference: please state where you would like your donation to be used.

Give on Sundays

If you prefer giving in person you can do so during one of our services by filling out an envelope and placing it in one of the offering containers.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a UK tax payer, for every £1 you give, we can claim 25p back from HM Revenue & Customs. You can find details of how to set this up on our giving envelopes. For questions, please email us.

Thank you for partnering with what we are doing!
Here is how you can give to LIFE Church from an international location.

Account Name: LIFE Church Ministries
Bank Account Number: 20910228
Bank Sorting Code: 20-11-88
Bank Address: Barclays Bank PLC, 10 Market Street
Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD1 1EG, United Kingdom
IBAN: GB81 BUKB 2011 8820 910228
Reference: please state where you would like your donation to be used. Our current giving categories can be found in the ‘Fund’ drop down menu above.

Should you need any assistance with your international giving please contact us at

Aside from week to week giving, have you considered a legacy gift? Legacy gifts are charitable gifts for a future purpose. Click the button below for more information.

Should you need any assistance with your giving please contact us at You can also ring 01274-307233 during office hours.